Explore career opportunities and learn about manufacturing and engineering at Penti-M Engineering Australia.
Penti-M Engineering Australia are looking for enthusiastic, dedicated and driven students, to experience what advanced manufacturing and mechanical engineering is all about. Engineering is an exciting, hands on and very diverse industry with great rewards and endless career opportunities and pathways!

What is manufacturing?
Manufacturing is the process of turning raw materials or components into finished products. From an idea or design, to 3D models and drawings, into actual metal components, all the way to the finished product or machine.
What is engineering?
Engineering is the application of science and mathematics to solve problems. Engineers figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries. Scientists and inventors often get the credit for innovations that advance the human condition, but it is engineers who are instrumental in making those innovations available to the world.
About the opportunity:
Penti-M are seeking students aged 13-15 years who may have an interest in engineering, manufacturing, technology, design, mathematics and using their hands and their brain together, to solve problems.
The opportunity is for students to attend our engineering business after school, from 3pm to 4:30-5:00pm Monday to Friday. This opportunity will provide students with a direct insight into advanced manufacturing and engineering, to help guide them along their journey to choosing a career pathway.
Part-time and full-time job opportunities and apprenticeships are available for any successful student who performs well and shows initiative to continue progressing.
Applicants will need sound mathematical and problem solving skills, along with a genuine interest in engineering, mechanical components, machinery and machine tools. Applicants will be expected to ask questions, take notes and learn something new each time they attend.
School is the stepping stone into the next stage of your life, your future is then up to you to decide. If you have an inquisitive mind, enjoy working with your hands, challenging yourself and think this opportunity sounds interesting, then take the first step and introduce yourself to Penti-M Engineering Australia.

Applications are now being taken via email: info@penti-mengineering.com.au or via our office. To contact the team via phone please call +617 4927 3160 and speak to Judy.